Finding Groups that have disabled users in them

This is just a quick powershell script to find all users who are a member of a certain group (of certain groups).
We were running out of licenses for one of the products we use internally. This product is tied to group memberships. Instead of clicking on each indivual group or disabled user (approximate 40 groups or 560 disabled users), I figured I would draft up a quick powershell to do the work for me.

Write-Host "Importing the ActiveDirectory Module" -foregroundcolor green
Import-Module ActiveDirectory | out-null 
Write-Host "Filtering AD Groups" -foregroundcolor green

#This will filter your groups. Change *changeme* to the group(s) you want filter. Keep the * if you want to wildcard it 
$Groups = (Get-AdGroup -filter * | Where {$ -like "*changeme*"} | select Name -expandproperty Name)
Write-Host "Preparing the CSV Template" -foregroundcolor green

#This will create the template for you to export to CSV 
$csv = @() 
$Record = [ordered]@{ 
"Group Name" = "" 
"Name" = "" 
"Username" = "" 
"Enabled" = ""
Write-Host "The Magic is happening. Getting all Disabled Members" -foregroundcolor green

#The Magic
Foreach ($Group in $Groups) 
 $ArrayOfMembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Recursive | %{Get-ADUser -Identity $_.distinguishedName -Properties Enabled | ?{$_.Enabled -eq $false}} | Select Name,SamAccountname,Enabled
 foreach ($Member in $Arrayofmembers) 
 $Record."Group Name" = $Group
 $Record."Name" = $Member.Name
 $Record."UserName" = $Member.SamAccountname
 $Record."Enabled" = $Member.Enabled
 $objRecord = New-Object PSObject -property $Record
 $csv += $objrecord

#The Export
Write-Host "Exporting to CSV" -foregroundcolor green
$csv | export-csv "C:\temp\ADSecurityGroups.csv" -NoTypeInformation | out-null
Write-Host "Complete" -foregroundcolor green

Continue reading Finding Groups that have disabled users in them

Step by Step Moving FSMO roles in Server 2012 R2

I needed to move our FSMO roles to a centralised server today, the main cause for this was firewall ruling (cannot add rules mid-week) and an urgent requirement for Domain controllers in our Azure Production environment.

We were unable to dcpromo our Azure server and after 2 days of troubleshooting, wiresharking and several work-a-rounds – we decided to move the FSMO roles yet again. Now, I know for a fact that continuously moving the FSMO roles is NOT HEALTHY for a domain environment, I was totally against it, but I bit the bullet and did as I was told.

They are now in their new home, On-Premise Site A,  and will not be moved again. However, due to Microsoft best practice, we will split the Schema master and Domain Naming Master off to DC2 once all firewall rules are in place.
Continue reading Step by Step Moving FSMO roles in Server 2012 R2

How to Monitor DHCP Addresses with IPSentry

Recently, I had taken part in a maintenance weekend at the office, post maintenance, Our IPSentry dashboard, (we use IPSentry for some of our monitoring), reported a couple errors, which was fixed.

Come Monday morning, a colleague of mine noticed that certain systems were down, which he brought up. I did some further investigation and noticed one of our DHCP pools were running out of leases. I wanted to see if IPSentry could monitor DHCP addresses, and as it turns out, it can.

It took me a while to figure this out, but now I know it, I’ll add it here for the world to share.

As mentioned before, in order to monitor DHCP leases, you would need to make use of the SNMP Addin for IPSentry.

So here are the prerequisites:

Continue reading How to Monitor DHCP Addresses with IPSentry